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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Woodland Nature - Autumn

Here I have continued to take close up shots in the woods. These were taken before the 'winter wonderland' photos, see the last blog post in 2010 for these images. These are in Autumn, my next photo expedition will be to gather photos in Spring and Summer and to create a seasonal image using all the photos I have collected over the year.

Woodland Mushrooms

These images are a few selected from a series of photos which I took in the woods. For me it was all about getting up close to view natural form, depth, textures, colour and patterns.


What a year 2010 was, graduation, setting up a new company, meeting loads of new people, new projects and experiencing new counrties. 2010 definitly finished with a bang! 2011 has just been getting even better, the projects, the people and personal development.

I have been getting out into nature away from the desk, the digital world and experiencing the natural world through a camera lens. So as well as all the commercial work, I have been working on my own mini projects with the opposite subject. (As you can see in my 2 previous posts.)

It was the pure white snow that fell last year, just before Christmas, that inspired me to go outside and get camera happy. Also my new home which is surrounded by animals, open land, lakes and woods was an extreme incentive to go explore. So the next few posts will be completly different from my usual work but I hope you enjoy it and go outside to explore also.

Wildlife Photography

Beautiful colours and has the soft look of velvet.

Wildlife Photography

This butterflies pattern reminds me of them old fashioned lamps!

Wildlife Photography

Fashion and the entertainments industry is a great interest of mine and that industry dominates the production of my work. A passion of mine is animals and wildlife photography. I am posting some photos of butterflies which I took myself and have had no editing. The patterns and colours of the butterflies are truly inspiring.